The message of wireless love is quite straightforward. The fact that we live in a multifaceted environment more complex than meets the eye is today's common knowledge. It's a landscape of dimensions, all-embracing time-space, and consciousness you can turn to for the resources you need to understand your substance and align the way you perceive with the undistorted reality. I strive to support individuals who accept these conditions as a normal part of life.
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Standing out
is the first stage
of raising up
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Currently I am not receiving personal reading orders
Starts at $14
Disclaimer, policy,
and ethics
You are the key manifestor of your lifestyle and improvement. Be kind to yourself and be mindful of your circumstances and physical/mental health. Readings are not equivalent to a medical treatment or therapeutic assessment. They open space for your contemplation, but no information alone can guarantee a certain outcome or solve challenges for you.
I can't determine whether someone is your divine counterpart/twinflame, as I believe such practice is ineffective and unethical. The existence of your counterpart is just between you and your consciousness, and I will always assume you have the power and abilities to make it to the final decision.
You are paying for the time I spend on your reading. That's why I can't offer a refund for your order.
The objective of my work is to give you an honest and accurate interpretation of your situation.
If there's a reason — I can refund you after you made the order, assuming I haven't started to work on your reading yet. If the demand for readings exceeds my capacity and you wouldn't like to wait longer than necessary, I can fully refund you in that case also.
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Wireless Love Oracle Selection
Reduced version of the original Wireless Love Oracle.
This is a selection of 85 colorful, love messages from my 222 Wireless Love Oracle. It has an upgraded design, and just like the original oracle it has colors on both sides. The deck includes 1 bonus communication card.
85+1 cards | 63 x 100 mm | plain white box

Wireless Love 222 Oracle
The original set of love message cards...
Deck of 222 messages.
It comprises 74 light, 74 bright, and 74 dark color themes. You can use the colors to pick messages visually, or use your senses and give them purpose unique to your guidance system. The words on the back of each card can help you triangulate more context for the energy captured in your spread.
222+1 cards | 56 x 87 mm | plain white box

Timing cards
Deck of 111 time-related cards. About half of the deck comprises specific time information, while the other half is more nonspecific, leaving more space for guidance and the intervention of the moment.
111 cards | 56 x 87 mm | plain white box
It all fits in so well with what we're going through that I had to sit with the messages and really take my time to process it......I really feel like this message was meant to find me during my emotional hard times. I appreciate you so much.
I am SO grateful! Thank you so so much! What an incredibly clarifying reading. As a reader myself, I find it difficult finding other readers who seem to speak my “souls” language. You are so gifted. Thank you again
Thank you for your reading and time. It was very accurate and you were definitely intuiting things that are especially true to how I feel. How spirit is guiding me to liberate myself from this knowing what’s going on under the surface.
Thank you a lot for your reading. You come to same me on time. It has been a very long time and I needed clarity......From the depth of my heart, I really thank you. You are my healer for sure.
I was quite mind-blown by the posts. Whether you're in a connection or not, the readings and articulations are unique and intriguing to say the least. Very analytical and insightful. I was fortunate enough to win a free reading and it was right on point.
Thanks so much Ram! Your readings speak to me always
It reassures how I've feeling about what happened, and the next steps I want to take. Thank you so much for the reading, it has soothed my heart and eased my mind :)
Thank you so much…I don’t remember what I told you about the situation, but you nailed it. This confirms everything I am feeling
Thank you so much. The reading definitely gave me hope and a better outlook on the situation.
This is amazingly accurate, wow, Thank you
For all inquiries fill out the form below or email me directly at connection@wireless.love
You can share your experience with others. Your feedback is important to me.
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Manifestation for you and your counterpart
Use this manifestation whenever you find the time and peace of mind. You can use it when you walk, relax, when you wake up, or before you go to bed... It's up to you. In the beginning, you might want to try to use it every day. However, if you feel it's time to take a break, if you feel secure, or if you simply don't have the capacity — feel free to skip.I suggest using the text as a formula that provides a certain framework, or a routine of sourcing your guidance to create momentum for motion. I certainly don't recommend using it as a tool for begging for a particular outcome. Listen to your inner "intuitive feedback".
For example, you can try to manifest the necessary steps to reconcile with your counterpart... But the timing factor is a very individual thing for everyone, so the outcome can vary based on whether you're asking for this at the right stage of your relationship. If you formulate a sentence that you feel is redundant or doesn't fit, remove it from your routine until you're certain that it's time to use it.I encourage you to be flexible and creative with the content of the text. Use the bold portion of the text as a basic structure. Then, based on your preference, you can add more parts or remove them. Be intuitive. You might feel that a certain line doesn't serve you anymore. On the contrary, you can feel like it's time to add a new line according to what you need or going through.Feel free to replace or remove angel names.
I personally chose to refer to these three:
Michael — stands for the courage to stand up to shadows and low vibration.
Daniel — helps to express and receive love, to bring our feelings to the surface, helps with communication (exchange of energy), action, and ascension.
Israfel — helps you to be receptive, and creative in how you interact with your environment. It helps you to read between the lines and receive messages and signs, for example through music and other creative forms, through your perception, (inner) voice, and your hearing.The manifestation follows...
Pure consciousness, my higher self, _________'s higher self, archangel Michael, Daniel, Israfel, divine guides and guards
bless and support us in this day, this night, this moment, and these times
Please, be our witness
as we see, feel, hear, express, and manifest with intent and clarity — through our heart, voice, intuition, connection, and our actions
Be our witness
as we stand in our truth
as we see truth in each other
as we show truth to each other
as we respect the truth in ourselves, in others, and around us
as we stand as a positive example to everyone
Be our witness
as we embrace the full picture of reality, and also help others to accept it
as we build on it, thrive, and benefit from what it has to offer
as we align with our purpose and establish prosperity
as we receive abundance for our contributions
as we manage to meet our needs so we can live a comfortable and fulfilling life
Please, be our witness
as we allow ourselves to give and receive love
as we allow our passion for each other to guide and transform us
as we value togetherness and thrive in independence
as our mutual support brings out the best within us
Be our witness
as we strive to learn and seek conclusions, embrace autonomy, and remain in a state of clarity
Please, be our witness
as we stay away from low-vibrational energies and entities in our consciousness, day-to-day life, and in our dreams
Be our witness
as we find understanding and compassion for each other
as we find comfort, confidence, and trust in our love, and protect each other at all times and all costs
Thank you
Please, be our witness
as we welcome those whose help we need
as we meet those who may need us
as we respect healthy boundaries — ours as well as others'
Be our witness
as we protect the light in our hearts and the wit of our minds
as we sustain our integrity and listen to justice
and as we celebrate our connection and maintain peace around and between us
Be our witness
as we manifest our reconciliation
as we manifest the steps to our physical reunion
Be our witness
as we cultivate healthy habits and boost our vitality, appearance, and self-confidence
Be our witness
as we find what is best for our bodies and our inner balance during this pursuit
Be our witness
as we embrace the potential of this journey
and as we allow space for anything we are supposed to be doing in order to evolve and ascend
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Under construction
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Flying above sets you free because it makes you see things. I understood that sometime in my early teens. People discouraged me but I kept flying...
I find peace in compassion and I know the freedom in all the things we can't see... I put a lot of emphasis on seeing the raw status quo of today's world with all its light and dark places, because it's a solid ground to build on like nothing else is. If you dare to keep your eyes open, awareness will bring you the clearest idea of how to use your powers and discover who you are.The message of wireless love is very straightforward. Love is independent, and information in the space around us is accessible at all times.
Divine counterparts
There are too many opinions, theories, and stories, and no one will ever teach you how to reliably decode the truth and save yourself from betrayal. You are the one who decides whether your way leads through here, because no two stories are the same. Everyone's a pioneer.
At some point, you may not even remember the keyword that put you on this path. That's why I think too much sentiment around labels isn't very helpful.
Divine counterparts or twinflames are basically the opposite of objectifying people and relationships.
However, words catch your attention for a reason. They navigate you through the clutter of information and circumstances, to clarity about yourself, your healing, and how to move on with life. You can feel like you're given hope. You are definitely given the chance to meet two significant individuals. Yourself, and the love of your life.
When someone asks for reading about their divine counterpart, I will respect their choice and what they feel in their heart to be true. The same principles apply to a large variety of other relationships, and there isn't any effective way to confirm or deny your worthiness of divinity. Your conviction will depend on the coincidence of your actions, condition, and circumstances. Trying to obtain someone's confirmation runs counter to the purpose of this journey, which leads you to empowerment and liberation.
Don't forget to check in with your belief system and make independent decisions.
Even though I think it is possible to stop pursuing your counterpart, I don't think it should happen based on a reader's or healer's suggestion.
I believe in a world with as few middlemen as possible. Today's mainstream meaning of success resonates with the word diagnosis more than happiness. That kind of success is largely associated with trauma and often depends on ownership, exploitation, and wasting resources. It affects what we eat, our knowledge, and our healing. I think the world needs more individuals who can resist the temptation of excess and wasteful production. The cost of my services might change in order to sustain my living. However, I can guarantee I will not spend money on expensive things I don't need. Because of my own healing, my life became more simple and more comfortable, and I am guessing your quest for true love will challenge you to go a similar way.
Book a reading
Express reading: +$25
Express channeled message: +$16
(within 24–36 hours)
For a more accurate reading, include a brief summary of your situation and other information you find relevant to your inquiry.
All information is kept in confidence, only for the duration/purpose of your reading.
You will receive your reading in 4-8 days.
By filling out the form, you will be directed to a card payment.
If you wish to use a different payment method, continue below.
Book a reading
Express reading: +$25
Express channeled message: +$16
(within 24–36 hours)
For a more accurate reading, include a brief summary of your situation and other information you find relevant to your inquiry.
All information is kept in confidence, only for the duration/purpose of your reading.
You will receive your reading in 4-8 days.
Per amount
6 messages — $14
9 messages — $18
12 messages — $21Express (within 24–36 hours): +$10
For more accuracy, provide a short summary of your situation and anything else you find relevant. If you are inquiring about "another" person or someone new, some information can be helpful, as all message cards are written in a particular way that doesn't necessarily reflect all stages and types of relationships.
This reading isn't intended to focus on specific questions, so if you ask something, you may not be satisfied with the output.
All information is kept in confidence, only for the duration/purpose of your reading.
You will receive your reading in 2-4 days (unless you ordered express).
By filling out the form, you will be directed to a credit/debit card payment.
If you wish to use a different payment method, continue below.
Per amount
6 messages — $14
9 messages — $18
12 messages — $21Express (within 24–36 hours): +$10
For more accuracy, provide a short summary of your situation and anything else you find relevant. If you are inquiring about "another" person or someone new, some information can be helpful, as all message cards are written in a particular way that doesn't necessarily reflect all stages and types of relationships.
This reading isn't intended to focus on specific questions, so if you ask something, you may not be satisfied with the output.
All information is kept in confidence, only for the duration/purpose of your reading.
You will receive your reading in 2-4 days (unless you ordered express).
Message sent | Thank you
Thank You
Please, wait for your reading.
Based on the current volume of work, it can take anywhere between
4-8 days. (Unless you ordered short or express reading).
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You are booked
Please, continue with the payment.
You can find the payment link section also on my homepage.
Based on the volume of work, you can expect your reading within 4-8 days (unless you ordered short or express reading).
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Thank you

Include a note containing the same email address you filled in the form
XRP — Pay whatever amount of XRP is the current equivalent of the reading price in USD


If you chose Wise or Zelle, wait till you receive the payment details.
I will get back to you soon.
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Pay whatever amount of XRP is the current equivalent of the reading price in USD


For Wise and Zelle requests, contact me via the contact form, email, or Instagram DM. I will get back to you soon.
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